Just how much should I be earning in the position I’m in?  That is a question we as recruiters often hear, and one that doesn’t usually have an easy answer.

How about you?  Are you overpaid? Underpaid?  How do you know?  Let’s start with just a sampling of some basic questions to ask:

1.    Are you a new grad or do you have valuable years of experience in the market?

2.    How unique are your skills?  (How hard are you to replace?)

3.    What impact do your contributions have on the bottom line of the company?

4.    Would others describe your attitude as positive and inspiring or as negative and someone to stay away from?

5.    What do other people earn who have similar job responsibilities in your geography?

6.    Are you passionate about helping your company be successful or just worried about your own well-being? (What is your immediate supervisor’s opinion?)

In reality, actual value is truly an opinion.  It can vary greatly depending on who you ask, whether for an individual’s pay or for the price of a used pickup truck.


A similar challenge for employers comes in assessing new college graduates’ pay.  To help shed light on that, we have included in this newsletter 2018-19 Entry Level Salary Information for Recent Ag Graduates. There, you will find some fascinating data on where salaries stand for our newest colleagues in the world of agricultural.